Monitoring service explained

With a Monitoring service, you can regularly check a server or a network for different occurring problems. Some of these problems could be slow traffic or a component failure requiring instant attention. Various tools are available for checking the network, detecting, and informing the responsible administrator. In case of an occurring problem, this service notifies via text or email. That way, finding and fixing any problems becomes a way easier task. Check out more information about the Monitoring service!

DNS propagation – Definition

DNS propagation is the period of time that is needed to update and distribute the new DNS records through the entire global network of servers. Unfortunately, the process requires time, and it can not happen instantly. The reason is that nameservers keep the DNS data in their cache memory for a particular amount of time (TTL) until they check for modifications. Read more details about DNS propagation!

Ping command – What is it?

The Ping command is a popular computer network administration software utility. It is mainly implemented for testing the reachability of a host on a TCP/IP (Internet) network. It is so commonly used based on the fact it is available for all different operating systems (OS) with networking abilities. Additionally, it is extremely easy to use, and it gives you helpful data. Learn more about the Ping command!